Museum Trustee
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Museum Trustee

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Closing date
5pm, 13 September 2024

National Coal Mining Museum for England, located at Caphouse Colliery near Wakefield, aims to keep the stories of coal mining alive by collecting and preserving the industry’s rich heritage, creating enjoyable and inspiring ways for people of all ages, backgrounds and needs to engage with the story of coal. We are looking for new Trustees to join our Board.

We are looking to recruit four new Trustees to bring our Board membership to its full capacity of eleven Trustees. Previous Trustee experience is not necessary, and we welcome applications from all ages and backgrounds. We are particularly looking for Trustees with expertise in the areas of digital and new media, large scale capital projects, advocacy and influencing  and coal mining as we embark on the next exciting part of our journey to deliver a fresh new vision over the next 10 years.

Being a Trustee is a voluntary role which is essential to the effective running of any charity. Please take the time to consider our Recruitment Pack.

Deadline for applications: 5pm on 13 September 2024

If you welcome a challenge, are inspired by our plans for the future and would like to be a part of the team, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Meet our Trustees