Downloadable Resources
This collection of factsheets provide an introduction into the history, science and culture of coal mining.
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The 1984-5 Miners’ Strike Resource

Mining Materials Worksheet

Keep Frank Warm!

Dudley Insulation Investigation

How did the Blacksmiths do their job?

Safety Lamp Template

Safety Lamp Investigation

Light Word Search

Light Things and Bright Things

Coal Creatures

Electricity Hazards

Mining Electricity Factsheet

Electricity Circuits

Water Treatment Fact Sheet

What is Coal?

The Development of Mining

Oaks Colliery Disaster

Mining Vocabulary

How is Coal Mined?

Historical Skills: Using Evidence

Extracts from the 1842 Commission

Early Mining

Working Conditions in 19 Century

Exploring Urban and Rural Landscapes

Coal Mining with Folks Arts and Poetry

In Our Own Words

Davy Lamp Investigation Sheet

Water Filtration Activity

Mining Electricity Fact Sheet

Light Wordsearch

Light Things and Bright Things

Hazard Identification Sheet