WW2 Homefront (History Themed Day)
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WW2 Homefront (History Themed Day)

£200 (inc. VAT) per 30 student class
Underground Tour
Additional Children
£7 per head

A full day of immersion in museum led activities and self-led exploration on a History theme. Your class will meet Mr or Mrs Ackroyd and find out about living in a mining community during WWII and go on an underground tour led by a former miner. 

This would be especially suitable for KS2 students.

Day would be 2 x 45 minute workshops in per class in the morning or afternoon and underground tours in afternoon or morning.

The location would be Parkinson’s Yard.

Basic Information

Pupils meet Mr or Mrs Ackroyd in the backyard of their terraced house in 1944. Pupils handle objects and find out about the Home front through evacuees and Bevin boys in the mining community. 

Breakdown of session

It is 1944 and pupils as evacuees meet Mr or Mrs Ackroyd as they arrive in the mining village. They will explore the back of the terraced house and find out about the importance of coal to the war effort, the role of the conscripted Bevin boys and life on the Home Front. Pupils will work in small groups to select objects and images from a box that will show aspects of the Home Front and can compare to their own lives.

Links to curriculum

KS1/2 History

  • Local history study (significant aspect of history or site from period beyond 1066)
  • Changes within living memory
  • Significant people and places (miners and pits) in their own locality
  • Historical enquiry skills – how we find out about the past and how interpretations are constructed
Useful information:
  • We are only open Wednesday – Friday for on site bookings (Virtual Workshops are available on Mondays & Tuesdays)
  • We have capacity for a maximum of 2 classes per school, per day.
  • Schools will need to request an enquiry form using the ‘Enquire’ button to the left, submitting details of your visit and 3 preferred dates in order to book. We will then contact you as soon as possible to confirm.
  • Lunch space is included and will be exclusive to your school.

Did you know that we also offer Virtual Workshops in a variety of topics that can be accessed from your classroom? Topics include Meet a Miner, the Victorians and Rocks and Fossils.

You can also use our downloadable resources to aid your pupils learning before and after your visit.

Email our Bookings Assistant, Sharon, on bookings@ncm.org.uk to enquire.