Library FAQs
Here are some of the enquiries we receive most often.
Q: Do you have employment records of miners at X Colliery?
A: No we do not hold archive material. If the employment records have survived, the local archives where the colliery was situated would be the best place to start.
Please click here to see our useful websites page for more information.
Q: My great grandmother worked as a pit brow lass. What does that mean?
A: A pit brow lass (also known as a bankswoman, head girl or pithead lass) picked stone or dirt from coal on picking tables and did other light work on the surface (source: Coal Mining Industry, 1928). This was the view in 1928, but we would probably not call it light work today!
Q: When and when was the last pit pony used?
A: The last ponies to come out of a UK coal mine were from Ellington Colliery in 1994. You can meet our own pit ponies at the Museum!
Q: Do you have plans of mines?
A: No. The Coal Authority should be contacted for Abandonment Plans. Website: www.coal.gov.uk