Save the Date: Rock Hard Revolt

National Coal Mining Museum is working with young people ages 16-25 to plan a Youth Arts Festival in the Summer of 2024 inspired by 84/85 – The Longest Year, which commemorates the 1984-5 Miners’ Strike. The Youth Arts Festival is titled Rock Hard Revolt and will take place on 6 July 2024.
Our Youth Panel have been busy planning this event, working on ideas for craft workshops, live music and theatre performances. We’re so excited to see what they come up with, it looks like it’s going to be a jam-packed day.
In the meantime our Youth Panel are providing updates on their planning of the Festival, which you can read below:
Inside the Event Planning Notebook
By Youth Panel member, Fernando:
“23 April, first session all together (-1) following our Easter break. We discussed our launch event and received feedback on the event. 11 more sessions to do before the festival, emotions in the air and a bit of restlessness being felt in all of us.
We have the ‘save the date’ flyers for the event ready. We discussed the different workshops we could do at the festival, the schedule of the day and about the roles everyone can play. We haven’t decided yet but I know for sure we will agree and do something exciting.
1/12 done.”
For more details on the Festival: Rock Hard Revolt Youth Arts Festival