Voices in the Coalshed: National Poetry Day 2024

Voices in the Coalshed: National Poetry Day 2024

National Poetry Day is the biggest mass celebration of poetry in the UK, the theme for Thursday 3 October 2024 is ‘Counting’. We had some great entries for our poetry competition, thank you to all those who submitted their work. Here’s our winning submission by Cath:


From 14AD to 1985 Caphouse and Hope Pit were mined.

Through the ages vast money was made,

From the Byland Abbey monks to the Lister Kayes.

All counting the money and rubbing their hands,

Mining became such a profitable plan.

Vast amounts of coal extracted to the surface,

First using their hands to fill baskets on the ponies,

A vital role to heat houses and industry.

Fuelling power stations so we could have light,

In darkness miners dug with all their might.

Counting the hours to be raised to the surface

Eyes squinting from the sun but it was worth it.

Ponies and canaries had no such luck

Some died in the darkness to which they were took.

Lives that were lost were all counted,

Some you’ll see in the memorial garden,

After the pain and the suffering

The ponies got a reprieve to see sunlight again and live in green fields.

Caphouse and Hope Pit are no longer in service,

Now a visitor centre for all to see,

Experience a miner’s life for free.

When counting your blessings,

Take a moment to think

Could you have been a miner?

Most wouldn’t, I think.

Here’s our incredible runner up poem by Ian: 

12 Hours

06-00              Up to begin my shift

07-00              Walking down the drift

08-00              On my knees at the face

09-00              “Deputy Dog” shouting to keep up the pace

10-00               Time for me snap

11-00               Get the rat caught in the trap

12-00               Shirt off, getting warm down here

1-00pm           Start dreaming about a pint of beer

2-00pm           Walking back to bottom of the shaft

3-00pm           Out of the cage and feel that draft

4-00pm           Into pithead baths to get me sen clean

5-00pm           Across to reindeer pub to meet my mate dean

6-00pm           Off home and to bed

Ready for next day ahead.